From September 2022, Phillip Hannah – Headteacher and Rachel Adams – Deputy Headteacher at The Whitley AP Academy, have been working closely with The Trust’s Central Team to develop and implement a collaborative Safeguarding Strategy which will be rolled out across all the academies. The overarching aim is that a robust Safeguarding culture is tangible across the Trust and all stakeholders.
The strategy covers the scheme of delegation, the Trust’s safeguarding structure, roles and responsibilities, reporting, quality assurance, training and reflective reviews. Through this joined up approach we are looking to make sure policies, processes and practice across all academies are consistently of an excellent standard.

Impact Safeguarding Hub Network
The Impact Safeguarding Hub Network met at the Trust’s Central Office on 7th October 2022 where the strategy was shared. This was welcomed by all DSLs who would like to see more collaboration and support across the academies. Each Academy will have an action plan which will be one of the foci for all network meetings. Steve Barnes, who is now the Trust’s safeguarding advisor across both Calderdale and Kirklees, attended the meeting. Steve introduced himself, his background and his role. The next Hub Network meeting is arranged for 8th December.
As part of all academies readying themselves for Ofsted, Safeguarding Reviews have been scheduled and will be completed before the Christmas break, which will give all Senior Leaders confidence that ‘Safeguarding is effective’ across The Trust.’