Roles & Responsibilites
The Members of the Company define the Object, Purpose and Ethos of the Company, and can direct the Trust Board where required to ensure those elements are met. They have authority to amend the Trust’s Articles of Association and appoint a number of Trustees to the Trust Board. Members have a standing invitation to attend meetings of the Trust Board, Committees or Local Governing Body, and the right to ask questions of the auditors.
The Trustees, who form the Trust Board, have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Company, including establishing and running of schools and, in particular, each Academy as a school. This is largely exercised through strategic planning and the setting of policy, holding the Executive Team to account and the oversight of financial control. It is managed through business planning, monitoring of budgets, performance appraisal, the setting and monitoring of standards and the implementation of quality assurance processes. In this work, the Board is aided the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (FAR).
Impact’s model of governance is designed to recognise the overall responsibility of the Trust Board; the line management of Headteachers by the CEO and the Executive Team; and the support and challenge of the Local Governing Bodies (LGB). The law places accountability for the educational outcomes and financial diligence of the Trust firmly with the Trustees and the CEO as Accounting Officer. Much of this responsibility is located at Trust Board level. However, a fundamental principle for us is that effective governance is best delivered as close as possible to the point of impact of decisions. For this reason, we have developed a governance structure that delegates key accountabilities to the LGB through a Scheme of Delegation.
Trust Board Meetings – Agenda and Minutes
Copies of Trust Board meeting agendas and minutes of meetings are available upon request.
Please contact Rhia Lansbury-Palmer ( with any requests.
Governance Documents
Financial Statements
Trade Union Facilities Time
Gift Hospitality Register
Insurance Documents
Board Members
David Morgan
David is an experienced corporate and commercial lawyer who has spent the past decade leading legal and company secretarial functions for a number of Yorkshire based businesses (including most recently CPL Industries and Boparan Holdings (2 Sisters Food Group). He is also a director of the Industry Wide Mine-Workers and Coal Staff pension schemes.
David has been involved with School governance for more than ten years – having joined the Governing Body of Morley High School in 2006 before going on to become the Chair of the GORSE Academies Trust in 2010 (as it grew from one Academy to four secondary schools, one sixth form college, three primary schools and two teaching schools by the time he stepped down as Chair in the Summer of 2017). David remains a member of the GORSE Academies Trust as it continues along its path of measured growth.
Andrew Fisher
Andrew is an experienced education professional who has been the Principal of an Outstanding school since 2013. Since qualifying as a teacher in 1993 he has worked in 5 different large secondary schools, holding a variety of middle and senior leader posts and gaining his NPQH in 2008. The school he currently leads is a stand-alone Academy Trust and, in addition to being the Principal, he is a Trustee and the Trust’s Accounting Officer.
Andrew has recently served a term as Chair of the Calderdale Association of Secondary Heads (CASH) and is a member of the Calderdale Schools’ Forum. As Chair of CASH, he also led the Calderdale Secondary School Improvement Cluster and has worked closely with Local Authority officers and other Headteachers on school improvement initiatives and on better relationships between schools and other support services. He has particular expertise in Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Behaviour Management, Educational Leadership and Management, and Mental Health and Well-being in schools.
Louise Richards
Louise is an expert in risk management, having worked in this area for over 25 years. Â She is an experienced leader, with the capability to design and implement policies, governance and frameworks to enable compliance with regulation. Louise has successfully led many diverse teams through large scale transformation and has worked collaboratively across multiple businesses, advising on policy and regulation. New to the education sector, Louise brings her knowledge and experience to support Impact achieve its growth ambition.
Jo Kaye
Jo has been involved with Rail Transport for 24 years where she has enhanced the performance of large multi-site businesses which have multiple stakeholders. She has led many large and diverse teams through periods of change and has worked closely with government departments on matters of policy and strategy. She has managed large capital investment portfolios across the country and has gained considerable experience in risk management in a safety critical environment. New to the education sector, Jo brings her senior general management experience to Impact to provide a fresh perspective.
Tracy Jackson
Tracy is an experienced finance professional, having worked in education finance roles since 1987. Tracy initially trained as an internal auditor, becoming a School Finance and Business Manager in 1998 and subsequently a CFO in the academies sector in 2011. She was designated as a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) in 2012 and as well undertaking CFO roles, she coaches and mentors newly appointed CFOs in new and growing Trusts.
Phil Shire
Phil is a qualified social worker and has had a successful career in children and adults social care. He was Head of Wellbeing and Social Care at Calderdale Council with responsibility for a staff team of over 1,000 people and revenue budgets in excess of £60m and took the service through major changes. Since 2013 Phil has undertaken a number of interim assignments throughout England, focusing on change management and the interface between health and social care. Phil has been a Trustee at Impact since 2016 and has a strong commitment to enhancing children’s wellbeing and life chances. He is helping to transform Castle Hall Academy, which joined the Trust in September 2018 and where he chairs the LGB. Phil is also a governor at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
John Eccleston
John successfully managed in textile and manufacturing for 20 years. His managerial experience involved leading extensive business change and development into new markets.
John has been involved in school governance for over 20 years, first as a parent governor then as a community/co-opted governor and Chair of governors for 10 years. He had a leading role in the relaunch of the local governors’ association, Calderdale Governors’ Association and has been part of the following Local Authority groups: Calderdale Safeguarding Children’s Board, Calderdale Partnership School Improvement Board and The Schools’ Advisory Capital Group.
Sarah Ahmed
Sarah is the Director of Partnership at the University of Huddersfield and previously served as the Head of Division for Secondary Initial Teacher Education. With a Masters in Teaching and Learning from the University of Oxford, Sarah has over 13 years of teaching experience in the secondary and sixth form education sector and over 3 years of experience within the HE sector. Sarah has now dedicated her career to preparing future educators and improving educational outcomes. Currently, Sarah is pursuing a Doctorate in Education and is also an Ofsted Inspector where she demonstrates her commitment to addressing educational inequalities, promoting inclusion, and supporting the success of underrepresented groups within the education system.
Michael Thorp
After completing a degree in Zoology at Liverpool University, Michael undertook a PGCE at Durham University. Michael has been a teacher, senior leader, local authority advisor, head teacher and executive headteacher in a career spanning over 25 years. He has always played a key role in school improvement in the authority. He has a particular interest in providing Resource Provision places for children with additional needs in mainstream provision. This is something reflected in Pennine Schools.
Angie Green
Angie brings a wealth of operational skills and knowledge to the trust, with over 20 years’ senior leadership experience in the leisure and health sectors prior to her move into the education sector.
Angie has experience in the delivery and management of capital planning and projects, as well as contract management and health & safety.
Kash Rafiq
Kash was appointed as Principal of Moor End Academy in April 2018, the school he attended as a teenager. During his time as Principal of MEA, he implemented and embedded the exciting direction of the academy over a 5-year period resulting in the academy becoming oversubscribed and one of the highest performing schools nationally with a Progress 8 score of +0.75. The academy was judged ‘outstanding’ in all areas in June 2024.
Kash was promoted to Executive Principal in February 2022 and now leads two other secondary schools. He was also a member of the Regional Headteachers advisory board for Yorkshire and Humberside which enabled him to share his professional expertise and experience to support and inform regional decisions.
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
Tracy Jackson
Tracy is an experienced finance professional, having worked in education finance roles since 1987. Tracy initially trained as an internal auditor, becoming a School Finance and Business Manager in 1998 and subsequently a CFO in the academies sector in 2011. She was designated as a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) in 2012 and as well undertaking CFO roles, she coaches and mentors newly appointed CFOs in new and growing Trusts.
Phil Shire
Phil is a qualified social worker and has had a successful career in children and adults social care. He was Head of Wellbeing and Social Care at Calderdale Council with responsibility for a staff team of over 1,000 people and revenue budgets in excess of £60m and took the service through major changes. Since 2013 Phil has undertaken a number of interim assignments throughout England, focusing on change management and the interface between health and social care. Phil has been a Trustee at Impact since 2016 and has a strong commitment to enhancing children’s wellbeing and life chances. He is helping to transform Castle Hall Academy, which joined the Trust in September 2018 and where he chairs the LGB. Phil is also a governor at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
John Eccleston
John successfully managed in textile and manufacturing for 20 years. His managerial experience involved leading extensive business change and development into new markets.
John has been involved in school governance for over 20 years, first as a parent governor then as a community/co-opted governor and Chair of governors for 10 years. He had a leading role in the relaunch of the local governors’ association, Calderdale Governors’ Association and has been part of the following Local Authority groups: Calderdale Safeguarding Children’s Board, Calderdale Partnership School Improvement Board and The Schools’ Advisory Capital Group.
Educational Standards
Michael Thorp
After completing a degree in Zoology at Liverpool University, Michael undertook a PGCE at Durham University. Michael has been a teacher, senior leader, local authority advisor, head teacher and executive headteacher in a career spanning over 25 years. He has always played a key role in school improvement in the authority. He has a particular interest in providing Resource Provision places for children with additional needs in mainstream provision. This is something reflected in Pennine Schools.
John Eccleston
John successfully managed in textile and manufacturing for 20 years. His managerial experience involved leading extensive business change and development into new markets.
John has been involved in school governance for over 20 years, first as a parent governor then as a community/co-opted governor and Chair of governors for 10 years. He had a leading role in the relaunch of the local governors’ association, Calderdale Governors’ Association and has been part of the following Local Authority groups: Calderdale Safeguarding Children’s Board, Calderdale Partnership School Improvement Board and The Schools’ Advisory Capital Group.
Kash Rafiq
Kash was appointed as Principal of Moor End Academy in April 2018, the school he attended as a teenager. During his time as Principal of MEA, he implemented and embedded the exciting direction of the academy over a 5-year period resulting in the academy becoming oversubscribed and one of the highest performing schools nationally with a Progress 8 score of +0.75. The academy was judged ‘outstanding’ in all areas in June 2024.
Kash was promoted to Executive Principal in February 2022 and now leads two other secondary schools. He was also a member of the Regional Headteachers advisory board for Yorkshire and Humberside which enabled him to share his professional expertise and experience to support and inform regional decisions.
Governance of Finance, Audit and Risk
The purpose of the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee is to;
- Monitor the financial performance of the Trust
- To ensure that the Trust complies with the Academies Financial Handbook
- To oversee the annual budgeting and the medium-term financial plan
- To recommend or otherwise the statutory accounts for Board approval
- To monitor the integrity of the financial statements
- To review the governance, internal control and risk management systems, including the risk register and to review the internal and external audit services.
Meet The Team

Mick Kay

Rebecca Meara

Phill Horsfall

Natalie Jackson

Viv Helliwell

Rhia Lansbury-Palmer

Lesley Heathcote

Phil Hannah

Paul Brook

Matt Perry

Dean Watkin

Ben Normington

Sarah Tindal

Emma Rankin

Amy Liddle

Kieran Pritchard

Jane Fraser