What is Canopy?
Definition: Canopy
Ca-no-pi (Noun)
a cover, protective like a roof, inclusive like an umbrella, the part of the forest where biodiversity thrives; a cover decorative like a canopy of stars, capturing a sense of awe
and beauty – to look upwards
Canopy covers professional learning for everybody across our trust – whatever your school, whatever your role and whatever your interest. A place which inspires us all to grow and develop, pushing us all to be our professional best.
Canopy Session Glimpse

Our Offer

BPN Partnerships
As regional partners (THA) with Best Practice Network, the trust is well placed to offer the full range of NPQ qualifications and HLTAs, but also lead on their work in Initial Teacher Training (Primary 2023, Secondary 2024). This allows the trust to develop all staff from entry into the profession right through to executive headship. It also enables staff to contribute to the development of materials and exemplars to be used nationwide. The partnership offer is wide and varied, including training and development for associate staff from business managers to teaching assistants.

Skein Momentum
Central to the work of the IIL (Impact Institute of Learning), and run by a team selected from across the trust, this research driven framework provides an overview of each academy’s priorities as well as highlighting the common threads of development to be addressed trust wide. To be run on a two- to -three -year, on-going basis to take the temperature of each academy whilst also mapping a way forward for the

Whole Education
Our Trust membership ensures access to the latest educational thinking and research, and more practically to a wide range of programmes including Headspace, Lab Classrooms and SEND School Improvement. This Trust focused network offers all staff opportunities to visit like-minded schools, working with nationally regarded practitioners and school leaders.

Canopy Programme
A professional learning offer (bi-weekly and twilight) which responds to the needs and requirements of the trust schools with an offer that is refined on an ongoing basis. We will find excellence both locally and nationally, from within the trust and outside, so that all schools can benefit from the very best practice and the most up to date research. The learning will be hybrid, mixing face to face with remote learning and offered on a sign-up basis to all interested parties. Events will be advertised through a termly calendar and we will capture the key learning in our regular Canopy newsletter.
Our Events
Don’t miss out on upcoming Canopy Events. Book your spot whilst there are still places available.